Think Progress, June 2, 2012
Norquist: Jeb Bush Insulted Mitt Romney By Abandoning Anti-Tax Pledge
by Igor Volsky
... Bush “kind of stepped in it a little bit†when he told the House
Budget Committee that signing Norquist’s pledge to never raise taxes is
tantamount to “outsourc[ing] your principles and convictions to people.â€
Norquist claimed that Bush had insulted Mitt Romney by abandoning the
NORQUIST: [Bush] went on to kind of insult Governor Romney because
Governor Romney has made a written commitment to the American people said,
‘when I get to Washington I’m not going to raise taxes.
2-4-8 Response:
Does the No-Tax Pledge apply to tax reform?
The tax pledge does not apply to real tax reform and
was intended only to “starve the beast†until congress could figure out a
way to balance the budget and start paying for the $15 trillion in debt. No
Republican or Democrat thinks that the members of congress have taken a
pledge not to pay back our nation’s debt which will obviously require more
government revenue and more taxes for some. The middle class supported
businesses with trillions of dollars when they needed our help and business
owners and investors may need to help the middle class if the economy fails
to grow on its own.
The tax pledge would not prevent lowering the corporate
income tax rate to 8% and imposing a 4% VAT on business.
The tax pledge would not prevent lowering the
individual income tax rate to 8% and imposing a 2% net wealth tax on
For more information see
Eugene Patrick Devany, JD, MPA