Progressives want to take more money from some—by force—and spend much of it
on programs that have repeatedly failed. It sounds less noble when plainly
stated. ... Progressives claim an increase in tax rates won’t stop producers
from producing. ... We see the folly of trying to raise revenue with high
taxes by looking at tax receipts over time. ... People adjust their
activities to the tax burden. ...
Also, higher taxes give rich people and politicians more reasons to collude.
The rich make contributions to political campaigns, and politicians pay the
rich back by giving them tax loopholes.
2-4-8 Response:
Try better taxes [and better spending]
To illustrate the range of flat tax rates needed to
generate $2.6 trillion consider some different combinations of one, two or
three tax bases: • 4.9% of individual net wealth [too progressive], or
• 25.2% of sales [like Fair Tax, very regressive], or • 19.1% of personal
and corporate income (above $13,000 individual exemption), [like Steve
Forbes flat tax, optional elimination of corporate taxes, regressive], or
• 12.6% of sales and 9.5% of personal and corporate income [like Herman
Cane’s 9-9-9 plan, somewhat regressive], or • For individuals: 2% of net
wealth (above $15,000 cash exemption, and retirement funds) and 8%
Individual Income tax; and for business: 4% VAT and 8% Income [2-4-8 Tax
Blend, balanced]
It is reasonable to ask why net wealth has not
generally been taxed in the United States. After all in biblical times,
wealth was the measure of taxation but an honest taxman was hard to find.
For over 100 years wealth taxes have been levied in more than a dozen
countries against only the very rich – creating complaints of both
unfairness and burdensome paperwork. In the United States constitutional
issues had been raised long ago about whether wealth tax rates would have to
be apportioned among the states or simply taxed as part of a deferred
computation of income (like capital gains).
Today, for the first time in history, computers and
internet databases have enabled the efficient implementation of a simple and
fair net wealth tax for rich and poor. This technical advancement of the
information age may have eluded the handful of liberal attorneys,
sociologists and economists that periodically publicize suggestions to tax
only the wealth of multimillionaires (on top of already progressive income
tax rates). This tax-only-the-rich mentality is awful and undermines
capitalism. The ill-considered soak-the-rich suggestions have also led to
many intelligent professionals dismissing consideration of any wealth tax
out-of-hand (almost as if the great and powerful, Grover Norquist, might
personally add their name to the official wall of traitors should a new tax
idea enter their mind, pass their lips and establish the high crime of
conspiracy to “feed the beastâ€).
Advantages of individual tax reform using both wealth
and lower income tax rates include: • $2.1 trillion in federal revenue
• The same (2% wealth and 8% income) tax rates for rich and poor are
progressive and fair • The 8% income tax rate is lower than the current
payroll taxes for social security and Medicare – (which would be eliminated)
• Everyone takes home 92% of their earnings (encouraging consumer power and
economic mobility) • The wealth tax exemptions of $15,000 in cash per
person encourages both saving and a modest level of liquidity • The
wealth tax and income exemption for qualified retirement funds encourages
necessary social security supplements (but tax exemptions may be limited
based on need) • Capital gains taxes are unnecessary (because value
changes in assets are included in the wealth tax) • Estate taxes are
unnecessary (because large accumulations of wealth are taxed gradually
rather than one time at death) • Gift taxes are unnecessary (but
transfers outside the family, including transfers to and from trusts, may be
taxed as income) • Deductions for mortgage interest would not be
necessary since the unpaid principal is an offset to net wealth computation
Advantages of business tax reform using both VAT and
lower income tax rates include: • $0.5 trillion in federal revenue •
Elimination of business tax expenditures would produce same rate for all
types of business • 4% VAT and 8% corporate income tax would be lowest
business tax rates of all major economies • The VAT is easy to administer
and is fair to imports and exports • Low rates would permit elimination
of deferral of foreign taxes • Reliance more on business income/sales and
less on profit (and identical rates for corporations and individuals) helps
close the tax gap between C corporations and other types of business which
pass-through the tax liability to the owners. • All business tax returns
would also be digital and available to the public in order to encourage both
tax compliance and public confidence in business.
The rates of the 2-4-8 Tax Blend also make it easy to
quickly estimate the tax that would be owed for any individual or business.
There is no good reason you should settle for incremental reform.
Eugene Patrick Devany, JD, MPA www.TaxNetWealth.com