Matt Campione's encyclopedic knowledge of the complex tax code has earned
him a national reputation as the tax attorney with whom industry insiders
consult when they need help or a different perspective. During his more than
35 years as a tax attorney, Campione estimates he has saved clients more
than a billion dollars. He opines:
Whether our federal tax system is progressive enough has been a major focus
of attention the past few years.
A progressive income tax based
purely on affordability and ability to pay would at some point
approach a 100% marginal tax rate after a threshold of perhaps $15 or 20
million of taxable income.
So let’s say for hypothetical purposes the maximum rate for taxable income
over $15 million was limited to 50%. Further, let’s assume the progressive
rates for taxable income between $1million and $15 million ranges between
25% and 45%. This could be accomplished through a more robust Alternative
Minimum Tax (AMT) ...
2-4-8 Response
Mr. Campione’s broad knowledge of the income tax system
leads to his conclusion that tax reform, “based
purely on affordability and ability to pay would at some point
approach a 100% marginal tax rateâ€. He also concludes that, “we must attack
federal debt and deficits with a combination of revenue increases (from
upper-income households as well as the rich), spending cuts and curtailed
spending increases.†He anticipates at least 5 to 7 years of federal belt
tightening and higher taxes for the well-to-do.
If we expand the tax base we can we can lower the
income tax rate, maintain progressivity and have the same brackets for the
rich and poor. The solution is the 2-4-8 Tax Blend which broadens the tax
base by taxing net wealth at 2%, retail sales at 4% and income at 8%. It
would yield $2.6 trillion – ($400 billion more than FY 2011 federal
revenue). The tax blend is progressive even though rich and poor pay the
same rates. The concurrent elimination of social security, capital gains,
estate and gift taxes; and a significant reduction of the corporate income
tax rate to 8%, should guarantee near universal support from social liberals
and business conservatives alike.
Please think outside the box before you react. Try to
contrast a 30% income tax (the Buffet Rule rate) with an 8% income tax
joined with a 2% wealth tax for each of the next 11 years. The latter
combined income-wealth tax would permit an individual to keep 22% more
salary each year. If one saved just the 22% for 11 years it would be like
having a very nice retirement fund in the bank, (conservatively assuming the
2% wealth tax was offset by 4% investment interest). Now that’s real
economic mobility!
I am not sure how an 8% corporate income tax would
affect jobs and the economy, but it can hurt.
Eugene Patrick Devany, JD. MPA